October 10, 2011

Hunger Strike Chain for Bahrain

Today I started a #HungerStrikeChain4Bahrain to focus international media's attention to the ongoing abuse of power in Bahrain. All you have to do is strike for a week and during that write to international organizations for human rights, news agencies, organizations and leaders to bring as much attention to your strike as possible. You'll have to strike for  only a week but you may repeat it later. If interested let me know!

Hunger Strike by Wikipedia: A hunger strike is a method of non-violent resistance or pressure in which participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others, usually with the objective to achieve a specific goal, such as a policy change. Most hunger strikers will take liquids but not solid food. A hunger strike cannot be effective if the fact that it is being undertaken is not publicized so as to be known by the people who are to be impressed, concerned or embarrassed by it.[citation needed]
In cases where an entity (usually the state) has or is able to obtain custody of the hunger striker (such as a prisoner), the hunger strike is often terminated by the custodial entity through the use of force-feeding.
The main idea behind this is to involve as many elements of the international community as possible to focus attention to this tiny forgotten island of a long history of human rights violations int he Middle East.

The strike works in a chain effect from different parts of the world and by different people who want to defy international politics and prove that human rights should be above international treaties and alliances. In taking part in this chain you protest the injustice in Bahrain that is going by without being reprimanded by the international police and support the aspirations for justice, equality, freedom and safety in a country that claims to be democratic and still abuses its power whenever necessary.

All you have to do is take an oath of committment to this chian of hunger strike for a single week, which you 
can repeat later if you wish, call for attention either by sitting in in a public area calling out your demands peacefully or constantly contacting international organizations, news agencies, officials and policy makers in an attempt to put Bahrain and its international relations in the hot spot aiming to achieve justice for all Bahrainis.

This chain is here to defy injustices in Bahrain. If you have any ideas, concerns, questions or comments, feel free to contact me. The identity of those taking part does not have to be revealed. If you don't wish to disclose it, please sign all your statements, reports or any submittions to the different agencies with "Hunger Strike Chain for Bahrain" to avoid harrassment if you are in vulnerable situation.

Why only one week?

You can sign up later on and do it again but just one week at a time because it is not too long or too short and a reasonable time for you to attempt bringing attention to Bahrain and still avoid sever physical damage.
One thing though, refrain from violence, hateful speech, disrespect and responding to harassment. You are an ambassador of Bahrain on this hunger strike and by signing up, you agree to show full respect to all those that defy your principles. Giving in to weaknesses is just one challenge in your week.
To take part, send me a message and I will announce the list updates at the end of each week. In the meanwhile, we have 4 days to invite people, so let me know if you have any idea,s advice, suggestions or comments!

This is a small list I made up to start with, pick those you feel would be manageable and contact.

Brian Dooley form Human Rights First on Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/dooley_dooley
on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=107792996&authType=name&authToken=3wQh&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&trk=ppro_viewmore

Human Rights Watch list of contacts http://www.hrw.org/contact-us
Amnesty International contact http://www.amnesty.org/en/contact
Frontline Defenders contact http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/contactus
US government and officials http://etan.org/action/contact.htm#CONGRESS
US State Department contact http://contact-us.state.gov/app/answers/list
The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/
Pres. Obama's contact http://www.emailthepresident.com/about-president.html
The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/help/contact-us
Some major news agencies

Also, this is the Facebook page for the event: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=105526572890446

Do not give up and send at least two calls for justice a day during your strike. Do not forget to invite your friends to join or make a group to help you go through this one week strike!
All the best, spread the word and have faith in yourself no matter what happens!

God bless you and thank you,

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